Thursday, March 17, 2011

Misconceptions about clan gamers

Lately I've noticed that there are quite a few misconceptions about clan gamers, mostly it's by other clan members who feel like you should game on nothing but online FPS games, personally I consider myself a "Gamer" not any in particular, rather just a gamer. I like to game to have fun.
Yes I'm still very competitive and I like to win on Gambattles as much as anyone else, however instances like this past week where I was on Dragon Age 2 and people get upset or complain that I'm not on a game like Black Ops. I find it very hard to play the FPS games for extended periods lately, I've been gaming for over 20 years now, since before the internet as we know it anyway, so I've enjoyed platform, sports, RPG and Action Adventure games longer then most people in the clan have been alive, been online gaming for around ten years, since the Dreamcast.

So that being said, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I enjoy those types of games even to this day, I can enjoy a game like Dragon Age 2 on the Xbox 360, Kinect Sports with my Kinect and lately Lord Of The Rings Online, which surprisingly was a lot of fun and as a clan we've gotten into it a bit.

I will say that I've not been on Black Ops or those types of games very much lately and part of that is because they are "upgrading" my internet, well turns out to upgrade it, they downgrade it first to work on the lines and that type of thing.

I don't want to be the type of guy that appears offline to play through a game, I think people should respect whatever game/s the other clan members play, we still have our rules for playing in GB's for the "Hardcore" people, we can still get GB's whenever you guys want, just ask.

Bottom line is as a gamer, I play games, it's my hobby, my investment, I own hundreds and hundreds of games, so it shouldn't surprise people or upset them if I'm playing something else sometimes.

It's the same misconception of the gaming clan/gaming community we have, people think we should be on a FPS 24/7 and it's just not the case, we can be a supportive and active gaming clan/community and play other types of games together, it doesn't always have to be serious. It can be Black Ops, Gears 2, COD4, Left 4Dead, Runescape, Lord Of The Rings or even something like Star Wars Battlefront.

Not everyone is going to be happy 100% of the time, but it's impossible to keep so many people 100% happy and honestly....I don't try. If people have issues, then bring them up in the barracks. If your not happy in the clan, then it's okay to find another, nobody is forced to stay. I'd like to think a good bunch of you guys are good friends of mine and we have a pretty good time playing games together, but I understand some of the guys are more about competitive gaming and thats fine too, there is a median there somewhere.