Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fresh Starts And Old Friends

  Greetings all, its The Crapgamer with you once again. Its been a while since I've done one of these things, I guess I just got busy and forgot to keep people updated. I like to write, so obviously being busy with other things, namely my site. and a couple of other sites that I write gaming related articles have kept me pretty busy.

  Its hard to believe that this Summer marks the 5 year anniversary of Team MoH. I remember it like it was yesterday when I decided to break off from Merc and Hellhammer said "Were a noob clan". If he only knew right? Anyway, its been a slow few months for the clan in general, in large part thanks to the terrible game that is Modern Warfare 3. Had the game been good, we probably would have done 50 GB's on it by now, instead we've done a couple, but I don't think anyone's heart is fully in it at this point.

  The Black Ops 2 launch trailer looked pretty interesting, I still love Black Ops and think a lot hinges on Black Ops 2 being a solid game to compete on.  The good news is that even though we aren't really fans of Modern Warfare 3, the team is slowly coming back to it and I think we'll actually be doing some more GB's on it in the near future. One of the hold ups is the fact that we need to be a premium team on GameBattles in order to pick a mode, or even get a referee to help if we have issues. The only way to be a premium member is to pay and have at least 3 other people on the team pay the premium membership. So in order to play Modern Warfare 3 competitively I had to buy the game for $60, buy Elite for $50, pay my Xbox Live membership $50 and pay for premium GB membership which is $52 a year.

   Nobody ever said winning was easy, or even competing. I'm also happy to have mended some fences recently, we've gotten back a couple of members that were exiled last year, so far everything has gone really well and everyone seems to be back on the same page again.

  The last little thing I'll bring up is Star Wars Battlefront 2, which is the game MoH started out on, its also the game that saw our greatest success. Sort of as a tribute to those humble beginnings we decided to have some fun as a clan on the game again this Summer. We even have a rented server up and we have a Game Tracker stat tracker on our website. Don't get this confused with us going full board back to the game, this is just something temporary that has brought back some old members just for kicks. We are the type of clan that is always looking forward, but a 5 year anniversary is a good time to reflect and look back as well. We haven't ruled out doing some scrimmages or exhibitions, but I wouldn't hold my breath as far as true matches are concerned, as team leader I have a bit too much on my plate as it is.

 Well, this first blog back is out of the way, thanks for checking it out!
