Friday, June 25, 2010

The start of a game developing company

So while I don't make my private life public, it isn't a secret I work with animals and own my own Dog training company. Have for some time. Being in that industry I tend to see some thing's I'd wish I hadn't.
Gaming has always been an outlet for me, a way to have some fun, a hobby.
Well lately It's been a bit more then a hobby and so as I close in on the big 30, which is still a couple years away, I began to think about changing some things in my life. Now I doubt I ever cut animals out of my life completely, I'll volunteer and still work and train dogs here and there, especially at first, nothing much will change.

What is all this getting at? Well going back to school to design, develop video games. My brother (Hellhammer/William) is getting his certifications and has been doing tech and design for years already. Also in College for graphics and game desgin.
So we have decided to try to come out with our own game developing company. I know it sounds far fetched to some people, but Hellhammer has actual been making games for years, mostly on P.C. and mostly classic style side scrolling platform games.

It's definitely not a joke, gaming is an industry not in danger of going anywhere, it gains annually and is a fun environment to work in and around. Microsoft makes it very easy as well. you can get there dev kits for indie Arcade style games easily and it's $100 for a game to go up for a year on XBox Live. Now you can only charge $1 to $3 for your game, but it's a start.
The goal is to have two arcade titles out before the end of 2011. By then we will both have finished school and hopefully be able to start our own Game company. It will be small at first, but I would love to mold it in the style of Bioware, with an emphasis on good games, doesn't really matter they type. I love Shooters so if we work on one of those it will be done right, I think the fact that we are clan gamers we know what's good and what doesn't work. Sometimes I get the feeling game developers don't have any idea what the people actually want.

I also love retro gaming and 2-D platform games are something that has always interested me. Throw in the mix the Western style RPG's much like what Bioware offers and that will combine my love for writing and gaming.

Of course for the foreseeable future we have to keep the day jobs, but it's a nice thing to get involved in. Probably going to start with a small group, like maybe four to six people, hopefully we can catch on. Some of the Xbox Live indie games have really caught on and I am hoping we can do the same.

We will be coming up with a name and unveil it soon, something catchy and maybe with "Mercenary" or "Nomad" in the titles somewhere.

Why would I change my career now you ask? Well I tend to think when you have done something a long time, sometimes a change is needed. I have actually been in the animal industry for about twelve years already. I mean everyone evolves and everything changes. Sometimes it's good to get a jump on the change instead of just sitting back and getting smacked in the face by it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Gamer hypocrites, What makes them tick?

Okay so with E3 so close I was thinking a bit about some thing's I've heard over the years.
One was from Sony fans. I think close to 100% of them have said at one time or another "I will never pay for online gaming". Now we see that PSN is about to offer up a Paid service, much like XBL and all of a sudden the PS3 fans are all over it. It seems so odd to me.

One of the other hypocrisy's is when people call Microsoft's Natal a "Ripoff of The Eyetoy". Yet, they don't see any similarities with the Move and the Wii Mote? Or take note that a Paid PSN service is a direct ripoff of XBL? Or Trophies being a direct answer and ripoff to the Achievement system on XBL?
It goes even deeper, I mean Sony is talking about Satellite radio, cross party chat and both of those have been on XBL a while now.

There is yet even more hypocrisy. We hear about how well the PS3 did when a slim version came out and it's true, it sold well for the first few months, then leveled off, but Sony got a nice little push nonetheless. Now for some strange reason, Sony fans don't think or neglect to admit that a slim Xbox 360 could very well see the same increase. I am not sure why though? I mean it's obvious a redesign would sell well, calm fears of Red Ring and bring in new Xbox 360 owners as well as old ones who are looking for for a newer version of the system.

Hypocrisy doesn't just end with the the Sony fans, but with Sony themselves. In 2006 at their E3 event they clearly said "We are certainly not interested in gimmicks" and basically berated Nintendo for using motion controls and "Gimmicks" yet now we see them copying Nintendo right down to the controller and they are pushing 3-D which has historically been a fad and comes and goes throughout history. What is 3-D if not a attempt at a gimmick?

So I guess I wonder what makes people act this way? I mean people especially on this site take their console so seriously and I mean, sure I prefer the Xbox 360 and get a laugh out of how hardcore some of these fans are, but often it borders on fanatical.

Another example is Sony fans thinking the "Move" is going to be for hardcore gamers while "Natal" will be for casual gamers. I mean really? Clearly both are trying to go after the Nintendo casual market, I am sure there will be some hardcore games on both, but it wont be the norm for either. Clearly.

Next we come to pricing on these items. If you go by the rumors. "Move" is going to be $99 and Natal $149. What Sony fans fail to admit is, you only need one Natal for everyone in the same house to play it together. While you need to buy additional controllers if you want more then one person to play the "Move". Which means it would actually cost more in the long run with Move.

Ignorance, while can be found on both sides, is really evident on the Sony side. I mean in every article on N4G that has Microsoft or Natal in it are usually hung up in limbo waiting to get approved, while Sony fans try to find fault with the articles.

I'm not saying 360 fans are better or Nintendo fans, but especially on this site, the ignorance and hypocrisy is some of the worst I've ever seen.

It's like, How excited should people get over a gaming console? Especially a last place one that previously dominated the market the last two generations?

SO I guess I would suggest that some of you need to relax a bit and not take thing's too seriously. I mean I've been gaming since the 1980's and there is always fanboys, but instead of getting mad, try getting a laugh. I sometimes will post something just to get a laugh or whatever.