Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cant win them all

So last night we did a GameBattles match on the Xbox 360 for Modern Warfare 2 and we lost. Sometimes when this happens I often feel like I have to put on my cheerleading face and tell people it's not as dire as it seems, it's only a loss and nobody can win them all. When you put up match finders you never know who will accept them and with all the hacks and glitches going on now, you never know if you do lose, if it's even a legitimate loss.

I guess coming from a game like Star Wars Battlefront 2, which was such a small community, maybe eight hundred to one thousand players all time and probably less then seventy five clans all time you get a little spoiled. We lost all of one times on that game. If you look at Gamebattles teams, rarely do you actually see a "Clan" like on Star Wars Battlefront. Usually it's just players teaming up trying to be perfect and disbanding after a loss. We never disband and I guess don't care as much about losing with so much competition, it'd be foolish to think you could win all your matches all of the time.

It always mystified me when a team would have hundreds of wins in a season on GameBattles, then lose one or two matches, then disband. Where is the logic behind this? I know competition on the Xbox 360 can be ferocious but some people tend to take it too seriously. Losses come with the territory. I remember a season on COD4 where we lost every single GB in a season. Granted it was only like eight or ten that season, but still. You don't pack it in and you don't give up.

There are even some clans that came out of Star Wars Battlefront 2 afraid to move on because they will probably lose some matches and don't want to ruin the mystique. There is no such thing as perfection, there is always someone better and there is always a bigger fish so to speak.
Game for fun, game for whatever reason you want, but the minute you start to take it too seriously or a loss is something you lose sleep over, then gaming probably isn't for you. Personally I can get very competitive and I want to win, but I don't sweat a loss.

I guess what I'm saying is losing comes with any competition, you cant win them all and just because you cant and wont win them all, doesn't mean you shouldn't compete. Try your best and see what happens. Just don't take it too hard on the chin if you get knocked down, cause it's always more important how many times you get back up.

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