Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Woe to all ye trash talkers

This blog was brought to you by ICM's generosity.

Well I was playing Modern Warfare 2 last night, as usual, when suddenly I am being trash talked, as usual. This just flat out gets me that half the people that play online games do it while trying to insult others. Sure it doesn't ever get under my skin, I can always yell back "TOGGLE MUTE!" (Clan joke). Regardless, I just don't understand the logic of both the insulters and the insulted.

For instance, I'll be playing maybe search and destroy. I completely wreck the other team with a sniper rifle, only to be greeted with "Hard-scoping NooB!", "Wow thermal!", ect. For one, I don't understand whats so bad about using a sniper rifle as intended. I'd feel bad for the kid's family when he goes off into the marines as a sniper going, "LOL watch dis guys, Imma quick scope him in the face." Followed by him breaking an arm, giving off his position, and dieing. Thermal scopes on the other hand, it's in the game, go complain to Infinity Ward.

The comment on thermal brings me to another point, I have literally heard someone say, "Wow red dot sight!" after dieing. Is it really that bad to die from me that you have to find SOMETHING wrong with my weapons? I'll never understand it. Also, what is the deal with lately half the guns in the game being called a noob weapon following the name caller's own demise from that said weapon? The whole game is noob, more so the people who die a lot in it.

Now I also tend to get the complete trash talkers who comment on things outside of the game. My all time favorite is being called a 30 year old virgin who lives in my mom's basement by some Alvin and the Chipmunks' new cast member. Its funny for several reasons:
1. I live in Florida, ah how basements and flooding don't mix.
2. I'm not even 30 and would love to still be gaming at 30.
3. The people saying this couldn't even walk into a game store browsing Modern Warfare 2 before a clerk tells him to get his parent.

There is also the infamous mother jokes, but we will just skip those and move onto the get a job and or life insults. For one, I have never ever ever ever ever understood the insult, "Get a life." Perhaps a better insult would be, "Get some recreational activities and or hobbies besides playing the game." That wouldn't sound as cool would it!? I also like the get a job one, seeing as I am paying for my own Live, bought my own Xbox and Modern Warfare 2. Yet the kids telling me this most likely couldn't even get hired as bag boy at their local Publix.

Lastly, lets discuss the different comebacks and ways to combat trash talking. In all my time I have seen all too many people get terribly upset about insults. The #1 way to combat these still remains to ignore the trash talkers, yet most feed them. Every once in a while I'll insult them back and make this whole block look hypocritical. Though I never use the above methods of trash talk and tend to just tell them to "GTFO." Just laugh with them if you can't ignore it, try to understand their ways of thinking, or just get completely pissed and threaten to fly to their state and settle it. Whatever works for you!

All in all I just find it funny and sad that the Modern Warfare community is like this, I'm sure many other games are too. What kind of world have we come to that small children go around insulting people twice their age or near it with little to no consequences. Perhaps that leads to a bigger question, where is the parents?

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