Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Gears Of War 3 Beta Impressions

Well back when it was announced BulletStorm Epic edition owners would get first chance at the Gears 3 beta I decided I would spend the money on the game for that reason alone. Turns out BulletStorm was an amazing game all it's own and well worth the price, but now the real reason I bought the game has come around.

Everyone knows that when the current console generation started I was torn as to which console to purchase, I had a PS2 and a original XBox and I knew spending $1100 on both to start out with wouldn't work. So I was looking for that killer App so to speak. Sony lacked one and when I saw Gears Of War at E3 I knew I had to get a 360 and that game. I have never looked back and have never been disappointed.

Gears of War 2 I spent a lot of time playing online with, I didn't play it to start off with online though, I was drawn in by Gravedigger. I originally hated how slow paced it was and it seemed impossible to do well in the game. Grave suggested that I hide behind corners and chainsaw people. I know it's a total noob tactic, but I was actually having fun with it. People would send me messages and complain, I loved it!

Eventually I got used to using the shotgun and two piecing people and I never turned back. Since we got into the game so late after it's release we couldn't play it competitively because teams would be so much better then us and know all the in's and out's, but we still managed to have a lot of fun and we still play it from time to time, especially when they do 18Xp weekends.

Back to the Gears 3 beta, I went into it playing it like Gears 2 and I got SLAPPED! It wasn't until I changed my tactics and went on the offensive that I started doing pretty good.

1.The regular Lancer owns all, long range, short range and the chainsaw is pure bliss
2,The Retro Lancer is powerful, but has massive kickback, the bayonet is fun to use
3.The Shotgun is not as good as the one in Gears 2, but is still solid
4.The Saw Off Shotgun is a one hit kill, but you only get one shot and it's a bitch to reload
5.The Digger launcher is a new weapon that shoots grenades underground that come up and and explode. It is difficult to master but once you have it down it's a lot of fun and helpful
6.The incendiary grenades are also new and a lot of fun, they BURN YOU ALIVE!
7.The Torque Bow is back and works as well as ever
8.The Long shot is also back and works like a charm
9.Hammerburst is back as well, powerful but lacks the ammo clip of the other more effective weapons
10.There are gun camo's to unlock. Urban, Gears of War colored, Flame, Gold
11.The Mulcher is back and is still a beast, though heavy a load it is to carry
12.Mortar launcher is back as well, you'll know when it's been launched

*One thing I noticed in the Beta is that people don't really go running for the specials as much anymore. The main weapons work well enough that the power weapons aren't a game changer.

*Even the beta of Gears 3 offers more variety in characters, weapons, specials then any other Gears title to date.

*Even though the beta is using peer to peer with it, the actual Gears 3 game will have dedicated servers, so no more host advantage BS. Though I will say that the hit detection even on P2P is very good, I have no complaints about it.

*People will definitely complain about the Saw Off Shotgun, but in reality they shouldn't, it's a one hit kill but only works right on top of an enemy. It also takes a long time to reload and you only get four bullets, so if you miss you are screwed. If they make it weaker, nobody would use it, as two shot kills would be impossible with the short range of the weapon.

*The two maps that I've gotten to play are pretty beast, my favorite is Coles Thrash Ball field. It's a smaller map and is really well done. I consider it the "Shipment" map of Gears Of War. Things are fast and furious and that is what I love best about it.

*I've only gotten the chance to play the new Team Death Match mode, where as your team has a set of reinforcements and they get depleted you lose, this sets a much, much faster pace then any previous Gears game. In Gears 2 if you played Warzone or Execution it played a lot like a game on Search and Destroy for Call Of Duty games, you get one life per round and if you die you end up sitting for the last five minutes for your team to win or lose so you can play the next round. Now to me, this really takes any momentum out of your game, if you make one mistake you are screwed, which was my main complaint about Gears online, now with Gears 3 it looks like we finally get a chance to do multiple spawn games and it's so much better.

*The graphics, even though this is just a beta the character models look the best they have ever looked, usually online modes dumb down graphics but the Gears 3 graphics are some of the best I have ever seen. The textures and bump mapping and lighting are all flawless!
I absolutely cannot wait to get Gears 3 in September and play through the campaign, which is supposed to take a solid 12 hours to beat. Rare for a multiplayer title to have such a long and complete campaign.

*The beta which started April 18th if you bought BulletStorm Epic edition and ends May 15th offers ways to unlock items in the retail copy of the game, like Cole's Thrash Ball uniform, Flaming Retro Lancer, Flaming HammerBurst, Flaming Lancer ect... So it's a solid way to earn something through playing the beta. You can still get in the beta on the 25th of April by pre ordering Gears Of War 3 and putting $5 down on it.

*They allow you to earn medals and wear them very much like in the COD games, you might even be able to prestige, seeing as how you level up much, much faster in Gears 3 I am leaning towards this as a possibility. I played Gears 2 for almost two years and am only a level 60, while on the Gears 3 beta I am already a level 13 and see level 30's running around already as well.

*My final verdict* The Gears 3 beta is the best 3rd person shooter I've ever seen or played. I wont say it is 100% flawless because I believe no game is, but it's damn good and worth playing if your a Gears fan or a TPS fan.

Gears 3 is my most anticipated game coming out this year and the beta has only added to my impatience.

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