Sunday, October 2, 2011

Spring Clan Update

Well it's Spring time and that is traditionally a slower time for the clan, but we manage to come together to play some Gears Of War 3, which is an amazing game by the way and I highly recommend it to anyone that owns an Xbox 360. It's by far this generations best game, and I did a pretty good review of the game for GamerXchange

I think with each new Call Of Duty game that comes out I play them less and less, but I have high hopes for Modern Warfare 3. It's pretty obvious that Battlefield 3 isn't going to be a contender if the beta is anything to go on. That was the biggest mess I've ever played that could be considered a beta. I mean 3 weeks before it's launch and the map has so many issues it's almost laughable. This is just a single map people, I can imagine what the other maps are like at this point. Usually I'm all for the ability to go prone in a game, but with the map size and small number of players for each team, it really causes a lot of camping and other issues. Falling under the map was just the tip of the iceberg and the game itself is the Titanic.

As for Modern Warfare 3, from what I've seen it looks a lot like a COD game, which isn't really a bad thing, I'm more hoping that the glitches, issues and gameplay aspects are fixed. Graphical upgrades aren't as important to me as the actual gameplay. I'd like to think with a different developer this time around we'd see a better game from a technical standpoint.

The past month was an especially slow month for us, which is normal, but we had to say goodbye to a longtime member when Striker went off to basic training for the Marines. Of course we wish him luck and hope he will be okay while he is away.

I think Gravedigger is taking the sniping thing to the next level, I'd love to see him get well known, him and Asap are both solid players who I respect a lot and they actually deserve some attention from the sniper communities. It kind of annoys me when I see scrubby snipers get respect and views and become known when they are utter trash in comparison.

Anyway, I will try to keep this up to date more often as we all come back together for MW3, so keep an eye open for it.

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