Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Band Coming Back together...

As someone who has had a ton of musical influences in my life, I like to equate my clan to that of a band dynamic. Sometimes we literally bug the shit out of each other, those are the times when we need a break from one another. If there is one thing I've learned from four years of this clan it's that you give your players space sometimes.

Part of that thinking is why I accept so many past members back into the clan in the first place. I realize people can get a feeling of not moving forward or just a stale feeling in general after a while. The one thing that does actually bug me a bit is when people leave more then once because they think the grass is greener someplace else. Running a competitive clan is NOT easy at all. If it were, then we'd see more clans become successful. I also dislike it when people act surprised that were still around or so active, were MoH, we outlast every clan.

It's not enough to simply be a clan longer then other clans, we want to play, be active and succeed. Which is exactly what we do. Now to get back to the band analogy, I consider a successful GB or gaming season to be like cutting a record, when your done you need a little break and then you slowly start gearing people up and getting them back into the habit of competing.

There are two games coming out that have me really excited, well actually more then two, but two that are going to have the clan active. Modern Warfare 3 and Gears Of War 3, MoH will have teams on both. In the meantime we are going to continue on with Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. We did get some great news, Rockethoe will be back and active this week, comes just in time for our official four year anniversary. Which is this Saturday, August 27th.

I like to think of the main difference between MoH and other "clans" taking a break after a successful season is that we've been doing it this way for a long time, were not a one and done type of team and were not the type of team to disband or remake or just up and quit. I feel like whether you like me or hate me, you at least have to respect the way I get the most out of the people in the clan.

Finally business is slowing down enough for me to get some quality gaming in, some quality time with the clan. The payoff will be seen down the road a bit, but I am thankful for everyone that is in the clan at the moment. The guys are really understanding and seem to have a firm grasp on how things are done.

Here's to another four years MoH! I'm glad we've been able to prove so many people wrong. I appreciate everyone that's contributed, even if your not here anymore.

MoH-We Die Hard!

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