Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Season & Questions Answered

So we officially ended the Spring Gamebattles season with a 39-0 record and achieved a final rank of 40th place out of over 12,000 teams. Not a bad finish to what was overall an up and down few months for the clan as a whole. We managed to stay focused, with all the drama going on as well as multiple lineup changes, mostly due to people being busy with life, work, social settings ect...

As the leader of the clan I cant afford to let my inactivity effect the whole clan, so we promote people into leadership roles who will be around and can pick up the slack. When players are on vacations or busy, we recruit ones who aren't. It's that simple really. To do anything else would be a disservice to the clan and the people who put all the time in to make it so successful. If you get lazy and apathetic your clan will fail before you know what even happened. Luckily I'm smarter then most people and I pay close attention to what's going on, even back in the day when I was in Merc. I paid attention to what worked and what didn't. Now I apply those principles to MoH and we've made it 4 long years.

I'm sure not everyone is happy to see us be so successful, or they would try to make up excuses as to why were successful, but bottom line is, there isn't a time when we weren't. Everyone in the clan plays their part. A good record, no matter how you got it will produce solid recruits and the clan skill level improves. People get used to playing together and we don't make excuses. It's when you start making excuses like "We'll pick up when Modern Warfare 3 comes out" or "I'm too busy to game" that clans implode. Sure it's a lot of work, but NOTHING ever worth having was had easily. I'm probably the busiest person around and though I cant be as active as I'd like, I at least make a showing and play whenever I have some free time, the team understands and seems to thrive. The clan itself seems like it's own entity, capable of living on it's own, without me, and that is the sign of quality leadership and players that believe in what your doing and believe in each other.

I don't mind being pretty honest in these blogs, I am really an open book if people want to ask questions and some of the questions I've gotten from clan members lately are pretty good, so i'll answer them.

Q: Why don't you remove the players you kicked from the clan from the MoH Hall Of Fame?

A: I have gotten this question a lot lately, but I refuse to remove people from the HOF or the profiles because they were a part of the history of the clan and I refuse to delete that. Despite what some people think I've kept an accurate account of everything MoH has done, from teams we've played against to the players that were in the clan for only a day or two. So while not everyone contributed greatly in matches or anything, everyone that has been in this clan has made it successful, if only by being an active member, poster. Even if you hate me or MoH now, if you were in the clan, you helped it to be successful.

Q:Are you still recruiting for Black Ops on GB now that your roster is already full?

A: We are always recruiting! You might not make it on the Reg team ladder right away, but were always adding active players and removing inactive ones. It's a constant ebb and flow.

Well those are the two that I can think of off the top of my head, I want to say thanks to everyone who contributed in our best GB season since 2009.

Were already off to an amazing start in the Summer GB Black Ops season. 15-0 and in the top 50. It's in no small part due to Saint and his recruiting/match abilities. Although I have to admit we've had a ton of active people lately. Even when some got tired of the game, we had other ready to step up and we didn't miss a beat.

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