Wednesday, August 3, 2011

General Clan Update

What's up everyone? Been a little while, but I've kind of been busy with life and work and things like that. Just figured I'd give a little clan update while I had a few moments in between some work. For those that might not know August is a huge month for team MoH, it's been four years this month that the clan was created. August 27th to be exact. I can hardly believe that much time has passed, it's kind of funny to go back to our original site and see all the wacky and immature fun we used to have.

The school year is starting up again for a lot of MoH members which means we will go into a bit of a slow down when it comes to getting matches, but we'll still see some activity on that front. In preparation for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 we decided to go back to our Modern Warfare 2 GB team and get some Gamebattles done with that team as well, I'll be sure to keep everyone up to date with that as well. Should be fun to go back to that game, we were pretty good. We've been practicing a bit on it and we've been utterly slapping. We haven't given up a single flag cap in a pub yet, which just further stresses my defensive mentality.

Because of my work schedule and the new way the GB rules are it makes it harder to get matches, but it's nothing that is too bad. We should be able to get in some here and there. We welcomed back some former members, it seems we always have an influx of people that happen upon the site and act all amazed that were still around..... duh, were MoH...of course were still around. I am not sure why people should be surprised by this anymore....

I have finally started writing for sites again after that Battlefield 3 fiasco...who knew Battlefield fans could ever be so butthurt over an opinion piece? I mean it's not like it's something telling others how they should feel, more or less it was me expressing my feelings towards the game as a console gamer. I do think people are being suckered into buying the game based off pretty graphics that we've seen on a supped up PC that hardly anyone has the capabilities to play on. If you look at all the alpha beta footage that was leaked none of it looks as good as what Dice showed off previously. The game is two months from release and we've seen absolutely no Xbox 360 footage and only 1:27 worth of PS3 footage..

I actually want to see some footage of the game I want to play, call me crazy I guess.....
Anyway, I've slowed down my own review site as well, thing started picking up but I just didn't have the time to keep up that pace, but I am still planning updates so stay tuned.

As for the actual MoH anniversary we have a few things planned, so stay tuned for information on that as well. I'm actually working on a couple of little things, nothing huge but should be kind of fun. I've also been trying to get some old members who maybe aren't even with the clan anymore to post a little something. I even tried to reach out to Skanky Nugget, but he didn't reply back, so I take it he is still upset over the past.

Well that's all for now, hope to update all you guys again someday soon. Peace!


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