Thursday, June 16, 2011

What a crazy couple of weeks

The title to this blog pretty much says it all, E3 was pretty cool. I got to cover it for a couple of different sites, which was something new to me. I had to pay a lot more attention then I normally would. We got to see some very interesting apps and hardware this year, I was quite impressed overall.

The Wii U looks to capture the core market that they missed with the Wii, I admit the Wii U is intriguing. It's always fun when the next generation of consoles releases. If the Wii U is under $400 I will buy it on day one, I always like to get the new consoles to test them out. I don't think the Wii U will be the most powerful machine, but I like Nintendo games a lot and it's fun to play Mario, Animal Crossing, Zelda and Metroid.

I've been so busy though that I haven't had time to get everything I wanted out, the indie game Hellhammer and I have been working on is still not ready, but I have the trailer almost finished up and ready to show. I wanted to unveil it during E3 week but covering E3 and doing all that writing and also doing reviews for my new site has kept me very, very busy.

Speaking of my new site, its officially up! I thank Hellhammer for the idea to call them Crappy Reviews, kind of a play on words much like the name crapgamer was originally intended to be. I set that site up and the Youtube page pretty much as a test, I hope to get better as I go along and find a nice niche. Some of the people I was trying to impress with it were indeed impressed, so hopefully I will be able to do some reviews for sites in the future. Fingers crossed people!

Now that school is out for everyone we can finally start to be really active on GB again. Getting 4 Black Ops matches last night was a great start to our summer of gaming. Your only going to see more and more from us on GB. So get ready!

I was a little bit saddened with the majority of the PS3 team calling it quits, honestly we had contemplated taking a vote to close it down altogether in the past, but I didn't want to come across as a jerk. So I contacted some old members and Onslaught has agreed to come back and help lead it. Also I will be taking an active role with the PS3 side starting when MW3 releases. I will see to it that the PS3 side see's glory once again. Rumor has it, Grave might get a PS3 to help a bit with this as well. It'll be tough stretching so thin, but in the end nothing is ever accomplished without a little hard work and dedication. The PS3 team has had a top 20 COD4 team and a top 50 WAW team, so there is a lot of expectations there.

As we come up on the actual 4 year MOH anniversary things look pretty good. I know my clan is usually the talk of the town, which suits me just fine. I actually like a little controversy. I always find it funny and a bit flattering when people are talking about it, there is no bad publicity in my opinion. Honestly the ones doing the talking are ones that have been bested in matches by yours truly. Sour grapes tend to be hard to let go sometimes.

My advice to people paying a little too close attention to my clan... find something better to do with your time. If you dedicated as much time with your own business as you do my clan you might make something of yourselves, instead you all just come across as bitter and angry and even pathetic.

I figured it wouldn't take long for a "old member" to contact me recently about coming back, the main problem I have with this scenario is that I get tired of people leaving for greener pastures and then when things don't work out because running a clan is a lot of work they try crawling back to me.

Not that I am against old members coming back entirely but there is a point when you say enough is enough. Honestly what did people expect? even if you hate me you'd have to see there is a reason my clan has lasted as long as it has and why it's been successful as well. Nothing seems to get us down. I bet that fact is frustrating for the haters.

Anyway, until next time I want to say thanks to everyone for helping out as much as they have. I am proud of everyone in the clan for their contributions and support in my own personal quests as well. Everyone has been great!


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