Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gaming with Celebrities

A couple of months ago I was checking my Twitter feed and I notice Fred Durst, the front man for Limp Bizkit had tweeted that he was getting on Quake 4 and that if anyone has the game to pop it in and hop on Xbox Live.

Well I didn't have Quake 4 but my brother Hellhammer did, so I mentioned it to him and he put the game in and he and Fred Durst were the only two people on the whole game! They played a couple of rounds and talked a bit and he is pretty laid back. They talked about gaming in general and he talked about how he has like ten Xbox 360's, like one in every room of his house and even on his tour bus.

Well after I Hellhammer won a game on Quake 4 he added him to his friends list but asked that he not give out him Gamertag to anyone, as he said he has to change it like every week as it is already. I can say he runs with (LBGC) tags in his name. Of course this means "Limp Bizkit Gaming Clan".

So he asked if Hellhammer had Black Ops and of course he does, so they switched over to that. He invited some band members into the party and Hellhammer invited me as well. I believe it was his DJ, Guitarist and son in the party with myself and my brother.

All of the people he invited sported the (LBGC) tags actually in their names and their names all were similar with a common theme. Which was Star Wars actually. I can safely say that now because they have gone on to change it to a different theme.
We got to talking and he was telling me how he always is playing on Xbox live and usually plays with other celebrities like James Hetfield (Singer for Metallica)apparently they play Gears Of War a lot, same with Dave Mustaine of Megadeth and Brent Smith from Shinedown.

He actually added me to his friends list and said he would get me in a party with Hetfield, since I told him what a huge Metallica fan I Was. One thing I thought was particularly funny was unprovoked Fred Durst totally trashed the PS3. He said he didn't really like to play it because he couldn't appear offline and would get slammed with invites, nobody had a mic and the voice chat sounded like the McDonald's drive through guy. He also went on to say if you ever see a celebrity endorsing the PS3 that you can bet they were paid to do so, as he didn't know a single celebrity that actually liked the PS3. Now I'm sure there are some out there, just not the ones he chills with.

So we played some rounds of Black Ops and I'll say Fred Durst got game, we played Hard Core CTF and won every match. I did get TKed by him twice though....good times.

Anyway you could hear him talk to his son and tell him that he needed to take his medicine so he could feel better, so I assume his son was ill and they were playing Xbox together.

All in all it was super cool to play with famous people, they all were super nice and talked like regular people and joked around with my brother and I. We ended the night around 1:00 a.m. est. and he said he'd hit me up for some Quake 4 and Black Ops in the future as him and his band like to play Quake 4 and do 4v4 and they are usually a man short to do this.

Now when we were actually in a lobby on XBL they said nothing, they didn't talk till we got in the game.

Nice to see my habits aren't too different from famous peoples....

Well there's my story, thought I'd share as I was super excited to actually play and meet with some celebrities over XBL. It's odd, sometimes you never know who you are going to end up meeting over XBL.

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