Sunday, May 15, 2011

Method To Madness

I bet to some people I come across as cocky or even quite mad sometimes. I know it has to be frustrating for people that are constantly looking for a bad spot in the armor. To the outside it must have looked like my clan along with myself was headed into a downward spiral into mediocrity.

You forgot one thing though..... I'm motherfucking Crapgamer!

It's nothing new to me, I've been proving people wrong since I started {MOH}, but the bottom line is there is always a way to inspire those around you. So while it looked like we were stinking it up on a practice team, if you were in the know and on the inside you were excited by what was shaping up to be a great team.

Once the guys got a chemistry and once I got a good look at who could do what, I knew who to use where and what the strengths and weaknesses were for the teams. Nobody can ever say I failed to recognize talent or failed to utilize it. Even if you hate me or loathe me, you have to admit I've always managed to get the best out of my players.

The last few weeks have been filled with practices almost every day, new recruits, old members returns, solid loyal veterans all mixing into a magnificent group of Regulators. For the first time since Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Call Of Duty 4 gaming and practices are fun again, every actually get's along well, E.L.E. isn't just a buzz word it's a reality. There has been absolutely no rage, no pissed off members complaining. Everyone does there part, communicates and we are actually having fun!

It excites me to see the guys have faith and believe in what I am saying as well as believe in each other. I know it's not all me and I usually don't like to take credit, but I feel vindicated even though I felt like we as a clan and I as a clan leader had nothing left to prove. I mean four years of winning, fun and gaming speaks for itself.

I admit there was a bit of pressure this first game out, the fact that we drew a pretty good team, one ranked higher and one that sported some serious try hards and GB warriors didn't help my anxiety. Dropping the first map (Domination on Nuketown) did nothing to quell it either, I knew the second map, Demolition would be all us however, and it was. Not even close when it came right down to it. CTF on Array would be the deciding map. We shut them out.

Never before have I been around a happier bunch of people, they were celebrating and invited me to the Black Ops theater to watch the victory where we all agreed to give Tacoscrub the MVP. Though everybody played splendidly he was chosen for clutching in CTF.

Everyone played there part, even though I was not in the match, I gave a nice little speech to the guys before it and I hope it inspired them at least a little to remember to stay true to the MOH way. I am not in any way taking credit away from the guys who actually played, not now nor ever. They are the ones with the skill, I just try to find ways to make them mesh as a team and inspire.

Last night was the start if a rebirth for the Regulators, a step in the right direction. Are we perfect? I doubt it. Are we a good team? You better believe it! We believe in each other, we have fun and we now know we can overcome adversity.

When I say MOH 4 years strong it isn't something that has ever been broken, 4 straight, solid, winning, amazing years. Never has there been a break for us. We have had busy times certainly, but we have never stopped moving forward.

I know some teams or clans can put a Est. date by their names, but none can mean it more then us. {MOH} Est.2007

I want to thank everyone over the last few weeks for helping out, my leaders have all really stepped up. Hellhammer, Grave, Shotty, Striker, Saint, Hate. I appreciate everything you've done.

Not so bad for a noob team huh haters?


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