Monday, May 9, 2011

Things have an interesting way of working out

Isn't it funny how things can work out sometimes? I am sure by now rumors of MOH's death have been greatly exaggerated and those types of rumors happen when you have to kick people out of the clan on a larger then normal scale.

These types of rumors also happen when you have as many haters as we tend to draw. People I am sure would line up to put flowers on our grave.

I was a little hesitant with installing new leaders after the trouble I had in the past, but the past couple of weeks has proven to me that I haven't lost the mission when it comes to my clan. While not every decision I make is perfect, I am glad to see the new leaders picked have really stepped up to the plate. They are eager to prove themselves and even though I was forced to miss a practice this past week, to my surprise there were almost fifteen people there. To top it off we get a GB and win that as well.

I am happy to see everyone make a few sacrifices and come together as a team, I make no qualms about the fact that I wont be as available for Black Ops in the near future as I was on other games, the new leaders instead of looking at this as a handicap look at it as an opportunity. Which is how it should be.

Even veteran leaders have stepped up and shown their grit, Grave, Hellhammer and Shotty are all active and Shotty even gave up Runescape to help with the clan.

Hopefully we continue to get a solid influx of new members, as a clan leader I feel like it isn't my job to babysit, but I do feel responsible if one of my members lacks a headset or XBL or something that I actually can help them out with. So hopefully in the future the clan comes to me if they have those types of issues and I will see what can be done to help out.

Admittedly I was feeling bored and stagnant with competitive gaming up until I kicked those four or five guys. Something about the excitement of a new team and new direction really has me jacked up. I think the excitement has spread and the others are picking up on it, so it's a really good time to be in the clan. I am back to having fun in public rooms and GB's. There has been ZERO rage at practice or public rooms and everyone seems to be really getting along well.

So I think the new arrangement is working out well for all parties involved. I get the help I want, no more rage or annoying people bickering back and forth and the ones I kicked get to have their independence and have the pressure all on them. Which is what they wanted. So I believe think this is a rare case where kicking out people actually helped the people I kicked as well as my own clan and cause.

Who could possibly complain about that?

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