Friday, May 13, 2011

Unsung hero's

I like to sometimes go out of my way to thank people who have helped me out in the past. My clan has a lot of unsung hero's and while I may even miss a couple here, I figure this will at least be a start in my thanking them and a step in the right direction. I know I've never been one to thank or fully appreciate the people around me and it's a flaw that I am working on.

First off I'd like to say Hateinaboxx is the one person in the clan who isn't selfish in the least. He always works his butt off for everyone around him, he jokes around and doesn't ever complain. Here is a guy who's soul purpose on COD4 was to run around with an RPG so as to take out any enemy choppers. Did he ever once complain? No sir! In fact he has steadily gotten better on every COD game and only recently this year made it into his first GameBattle match, which we won.

Anyone looking for a perfect example in how to behave in MOH need look no farther then Hateinaboxx. I mean with a nickname like "The Storming Mormon" you know he has got to be a cool guy. When I think back to the times he had a chance to leave the clan and yet chose to stay and work on getting better, I cant help but to smile. Everyone loves Hate and I cant blame them, he is just a good guy and fun to be around.

Another unsung hero is Shotty, he is one of the loyalist people I have ever met. I am I think proudest of the fact that he is a home grown MOH product, not to take anything away from his talent, but I believe he at least on some level has learned some leadership from me as well as his amazing team player capabilities.

Shotty never complains, will always offer advice if you need it. I look to him to be a main advisor when it comes to the clan. Recently, before I kicked out some members I made sure I had his loyalty and once I had his and a handful of others I pulled the trigger on a controversial move. In the end I knew everything would work out fine.

Yet again Shotty came through when he actually gave up Runescape to help with the clan, he has been more active now then at any time since Star Wars Battlefront 2, selfless, honest and a true leader I feel shotty never gets the respect or attention he rightfully deserves.

Lastly for this edition of unsung hero's is Futstriker. He is another one of those people who often get's overlooked and I am not sure why. He has been a part of MOH since our playoff COD4 run years ago. While he might not have been in a ton of matches for us, he was instrumental nonetheless. I can remember him leading the secondary team against the starters for our practices. In fact a lot of MOH members did this and have gone unsung in my opinion.

People like to make fun of Striker because he is a team player, like myself, Hate and Shotty. Sometimes your overall Kill/Death ratio will suffer because of this, but you have to be able to see beyond that. It's the intangibles that people like Striker bring to the table that make him such a great asset to the clan.

I plan on making this a regular series, so people in the clan, never feel like your deeds go unnoticed. I might not always comment, but your appreciated!

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