Monday, May 23, 2011

Like What I See So Far

Whenever you rebuild something you tend to think it will take a while before you find the right fit. I was a little worried that I was replacing old trouble makers with possibly new ones, I am very glad that this is not the case.

While I still hold firm to the fact that MOH isn't for everyone, I am happy to see so many enjoying the new atmosphere and friendly comradery. It was hard at first to get older members to accept how things were going to be from now on, but I am proud to say everyone has really stepped up and produced both in matches and just as clan representatives.

Simple changes like having everyone in the clan add a new recruits Gamertag so they feel welcomed, also actually inviting these people to play with us is a huge step in the right direction. Now when we game, even if we have fourteen people on, we can easily split up into two or three groups and assign a team leader

Honestly I have been about as active as always, more active on certain day's but I certainly haven't changed up my schedule to accommodate anyone. I have continued to run the clan the same, steady way I always have. Nothing has changed. Really in all honesty it's proof of what a solid job the leaders (old and New) are doing. I am sure it irks some people that we continue on as if nothing happened, do our same schedules, practices, matches that we've done since the beginning. I take a (SSDD) type of attitude with it and it helps keep things in perspective.

People as a whole seem to have a better appreciation for each other and for the first time since COD4 and SWBF2 before that, clan members are actually proud of what they are doing and rededicating themselves to helping our wherever it's needed. It has freed me up to be able to do other things in life where needed, while I can still be confident that everything wont fall apart.

So in closing I like what I see thus far from the clan, glad we are expanding instead of standing still, it's always important to grow and move forward instead of linger and eventually die out. I've seen so many teams and clans come and go that it really makes me appreciate the stability of MOH. I think others are feeling that way too. I mean four years with a majority of the same people and the same leader is a milestone to be certain.

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