Sunday, October 2, 2011

Spring Clan Update

Well it's Spring time and that is traditionally a slower time for the clan, but we manage to come together to play some Gears Of War 3, which is an amazing game by the way and I highly recommend it to anyone that owns an Xbox 360. It's by far this generations best game, and I did a pretty good review of the game for GamerXchange

I think with each new Call Of Duty game that comes out I play them less and less, but I have high hopes for Modern Warfare 3. It's pretty obvious that Battlefield 3 isn't going to be a contender if the beta is anything to go on. That was the biggest mess I've ever played that could be considered a beta. I mean 3 weeks before it's launch and the map has so many issues it's almost laughable. This is just a single map people, I can imagine what the other maps are like at this point. Usually I'm all for the ability to go prone in a game, but with the map size and small number of players for each team, it really causes a lot of camping and other issues. Falling under the map was just the tip of the iceberg and the game itself is the Titanic.

As for Modern Warfare 3, from what I've seen it looks a lot like a COD game, which isn't really a bad thing, I'm more hoping that the glitches, issues and gameplay aspects are fixed. Graphical upgrades aren't as important to me as the actual gameplay. I'd like to think with a different developer this time around we'd see a better game from a technical standpoint.

The past month was an especially slow month for us, which is normal, but we had to say goodbye to a longtime member when Striker went off to basic training for the Marines. Of course we wish him luck and hope he will be okay while he is away.

I think Gravedigger is taking the sniping thing to the next level, I'd love to see him get well known, him and Asap are both solid players who I respect a lot and they actually deserve some attention from the sniper communities. It kind of annoys me when I see scrubby snipers get respect and views and become known when they are utter trash in comparison.

Anyway, I will try to keep this up to date more often as we all come back together for MW3, so keep an eye open for it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Band Coming Back together...

As someone who has had a ton of musical influences in my life, I like to equate my clan to that of a band dynamic. Sometimes we literally bug the shit out of each other, those are the times when we need a break from one another. If there is one thing I've learned from four years of this clan it's that you give your players space sometimes.

Part of that thinking is why I accept so many past members back into the clan in the first place. I realize people can get a feeling of not moving forward or just a stale feeling in general after a while. The one thing that does actually bug me a bit is when people leave more then once because they think the grass is greener someplace else. Running a competitive clan is NOT easy at all. If it were, then we'd see more clans become successful. I also dislike it when people act surprised that were still around or so active, were MoH, we outlast every clan.

It's not enough to simply be a clan longer then other clans, we want to play, be active and succeed. Which is exactly what we do. Now to get back to the band analogy, I consider a successful GB or gaming season to be like cutting a record, when your done you need a little break and then you slowly start gearing people up and getting them back into the habit of competing.

There are two games coming out that have me really excited, well actually more then two, but two that are going to have the clan active. Modern Warfare 3 and Gears Of War 3, MoH will have teams on both. In the meantime we are going to continue on with Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. We did get some great news, Rockethoe will be back and active this week, comes just in time for our official four year anniversary. Which is this Saturday, August 27th.

I like to think of the main difference between MoH and other "clans" taking a break after a successful season is that we've been doing it this way for a long time, were not a one and done type of team and were not the type of team to disband or remake or just up and quit. I feel like whether you like me or hate me, you at least have to respect the way I get the most out of the people in the clan.

Finally business is slowing down enough for me to get some quality gaming in, some quality time with the clan. The payoff will be seen down the road a bit, but I am thankful for everyone that is in the clan at the moment. The guys are really understanding and seem to have a firm grasp on how things are done.

Here's to another four years MoH! I'm glad we've been able to prove so many people wrong. I appreciate everyone that's contributed, even if your not here anymore.

MoH-We Die Hard!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

General Clan Update

What's up everyone? Been a little while, but I've kind of been busy with life and work and things like that. Just figured I'd give a little clan update while I had a few moments in between some work. For those that might not know August is a huge month for team MoH, it's been four years this month that the clan was created. August 27th to be exact. I can hardly believe that much time has passed, it's kind of funny to go back to our original site and see all the wacky and immature fun we used to have.

The school year is starting up again for a lot of MoH members which means we will go into a bit of a slow down when it comes to getting matches, but we'll still see some activity on that front. In preparation for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 we decided to go back to our Modern Warfare 2 GB team and get some Gamebattles done with that team as well, I'll be sure to keep everyone up to date with that as well. Should be fun to go back to that game, we were pretty good. We've been practicing a bit on it and we've been utterly slapping. We haven't given up a single flag cap in a pub yet, which just further stresses my defensive mentality.

Because of my work schedule and the new way the GB rules are it makes it harder to get matches, but it's nothing that is too bad. We should be able to get in some here and there. We welcomed back some former members, it seems we always have an influx of people that happen upon the site and act all amazed that were still around..... duh, were MoH...of course were still around. I am not sure why people should be surprised by this anymore....

I have finally started writing for sites again after that Battlefield 3 fiasco...who knew Battlefield fans could ever be so butthurt over an opinion piece? I mean it's not like it's something telling others how they should feel, more or less it was me expressing my feelings towards the game as a console gamer. I do think people are being suckered into buying the game based off pretty graphics that we've seen on a supped up PC that hardly anyone has the capabilities to play on. If you look at all the alpha beta footage that was leaked none of it looks as good as what Dice showed off previously. The game is two months from release and we've seen absolutely no Xbox 360 footage and only 1:27 worth of PS3 footage..

I actually want to see some footage of the game I want to play, call me crazy I guess.....
Anyway, I've slowed down my own review site as well, thing started picking up but I just didn't have the time to keep up that pace, but I am still planning updates so stay tuned.

As for the actual MoH anniversary we have a few things planned, so stay tuned for information on that as well. I'm actually working on a couple of little things, nothing huge but should be kind of fun. I've also been trying to get some old members who maybe aren't even with the clan anymore to post a little something. I even tried to reach out to Skanky Nugget, but he didn't reply back, so I take it he is still upset over the past.

Well that's all for now, hope to update all you guys again someday soon. Peace!


Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Season & Questions Answered

So we officially ended the Spring Gamebattles season with a 39-0 record and achieved a final rank of 40th place out of over 12,000 teams. Not a bad finish to what was overall an up and down few months for the clan as a whole. We managed to stay focused, with all the drama going on as well as multiple lineup changes, mostly due to people being busy with life, work, social settings ect...

As the leader of the clan I cant afford to let my inactivity effect the whole clan, so we promote people into leadership roles who will be around and can pick up the slack. When players are on vacations or busy, we recruit ones who aren't. It's that simple really. To do anything else would be a disservice to the clan and the people who put all the time in to make it so successful. If you get lazy and apathetic your clan will fail before you know what even happened. Luckily I'm smarter then most people and I pay close attention to what's going on, even back in the day when I was in Merc. I paid attention to what worked and what didn't. Now I apply those principles to MoH and we've made it 4 long years.

I'm sure not everyone is happy to see us be so successful, or they would try to make up excuses as to why were successful, but bottom line is, there isn't a time when we weren't. Everyone in the clan plays their part. A good record, no matter how you got it will produce solid recruits and the clan skill level improves. People get used to playing together and we don't make excuses. It's when you start making excuses like "We'll pick up when Modern Warfare 3 comes out" or "I'm too busy to game" that clans implode. Sure it's a lot of work, but NOTHING ever worth having was had easily. I'm probably the busiest person around and though I cant be as active as I'd like, I at least make a showing and play whenever I have some free time, the team understands and seems to thrive. The clan itself seems like it's own entity, capable of living on it's own, without me, and that is the sign of quality leadership and players that believe in what your doing and believe in each other.

I don't mind being pretty honest in these blogs, I am really an open book if people want to ask questions and some of the questions I've gotten from clan members lately are pretty good, so i'll answer them.

Q: Why don't you remove the players you kicked from the clan from the MoH Hall Of Fame?

A: I have gotten this question a lot lately, but I refuse to remove people from the HOF or the profiles because they were a part of the history of the clan and I refuse to delete that. Despite what some people think I've kept an accurate account of everything MoH has done, from teams we've played against to the players that were in the clan for only a day or two. So while not everyone contributed greatly in matches or anything, everyone that has been in this clan has made it successful, if only by being an active member, poster. Even if you hate me or MoH now, if you were in the clan, you helped it to be successful.

Q:Are you still recruiting for Black Ops on GB now that your roster is already full?

A: We are always recruiting! You might not make it on the Reg team ladder right away, but were always adding active players and removing inactive ones. It's a constant ebb and flow.

Well those are the two that I can think of off the top of my head, I want to say thanks to everyone who contributed in our best GB season since 2009.

Were already off to an amazing start in the Summer GB Black Ops season. 15-0 and in the top 50. It's in no small part due to Saint and his recruiting/match abilities. Although I have to admit we've had a ton of active people lately. Even when some got tired of the game, we had other ready to step up and we didn't miss a beat.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Clan Update

Back when we pushed for playoffs in 2009 for Call Of Duty 4, everyone was pretty worn out and tired of the game. Pretty much the same thing has happened with Black Ops right now. After the late season push people are pretty tired of the game. I was tired of the game before the season started. The only thing that pushed me to continue with it was the fact that we wanted to get more wins then team US. So in the end we accomplished that much of it, but at what cost?

In all honesty I am so used to the whole drama thing it doesn't even thrill me like it once did. Maybe I'm just getting old? I don't really know. I do know that Shotty and I were browsing our original forums the other day and we both commented on how young we all seemed and how immature we all were. Seems like a lifetime ago, not just four years....

So pretty much a clan wide vote decided were all taking a break from Black Ops. That is strictly on the 360 side anyway. Kind of like how a band would take a break after completing an album. You don't want to be around music for a bit, well we don't want to be around Black Ops for a bit. I plan on still helping with the PS3 side, if we can ever really get that going. It seems PS3 players tend to be really fickle with loyalty and activity.

Lately I've been wishing a bit for a new competitive game. Gears 3 isn't too far off which is good news, but Gamebattles really seems to have lost the path when it comes to their rules. So I'm not really sure that's an option for us anymore. They only allow 1 leader, no co-leaders, only 1 Captain and only the leader can report matches. Also to prevent roster riding, whenever you do a challenge or match finder you have to list the players beforehand who are going to be in the match. Now for a team that does map gen like us, we sometimes wont know who were going to play until we see the maps and game types. So it makes it very difficult to get matches, it seems GB caters to the top 25, which are only four or five people per team to begin with. It's a death sentence to teams maxed out like mine.

If GB wanted to stop roster riding, why not have the leader report who was in the match after the match is over, then give the XP to the people who played? It makes much more sense to do things that way. I actually would prefer to give XP to the guys who actually played in the match anyway, but I'll be dammed if I will lose a match for playing a guy that is actually on my roster. It just makes no sense. I mean sometimes things come up and people cant always make a match. It's that simple. Why shouldn't people be able to play that are on the roster? I really wish someone with some real funding would make a alternative to GB. They've become real stingy with their rules and things like that simply because they know there is no alternative. It's pretty much like Madden football, there is no competition, so they aren't forced to improve or be user friendly.

Anyway enough of that rant, I want to once again thank everyone for the amazing Spring season on GB. 39-0 is a solid record and nobody can ever take that from us. We reached out goal of top 75 and I'm content with that. Even though I feel Treyarch made COD games are better supported and much more balanced and fair for the players, I tend to play their games less then the IW made ones. So I am definitely hoping for MW3 to peak my interest. It's looking good so far. I think a good mix between Gears 3 and MW3 will do the clan good. We've always done better when we have an alternate game to play that breaks up the monotony.

Well that's about it for this update, thanks for reading and we'll see you back here next time!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Congrats On A Huge GB Season!

Now that the Spring 2011 Black Ops GameBattles season is closed I want to thank everyone who made it such a smashing success! Everyone deserves some credit and I think it was truly a team effort. I am pretty sure almost everyone on our roster was in a match this season. When someone went away or went on vacation we always had someone else step up and contribute.

Our new leaders like Striker, Hateinaboxx and Saint all stepped up admirably and did a fantastic job. The MOH promotions seemed to have inspire people to be more active and were going to have our first winner here in the next day or two. We are actually getting so many requests from new potential recruits that were having to turn down a good number of them. We have both the promotions and a solid record to thank for the influx of people coming our way.

So at the end of the day 36-0 is something we can obviously build off of, were going to try to get a quick, fresh start to the Summer 2011 season tonight. We were forced to change our goals throughout the season, originally we wanted to make top 200, then top 100 and finally top 75. Which I believe when all is said and done we will achieve, or at least be pretty damn close.

We are also vastly approaching our four year anniversary, which we have a few things planned. Hopefully those come out okay. I am currently working on the Asap/Grave Sniper montage, I put up the rough cut the other day but I still have quite a bit of work to do on it. Look for that to be completed soon. I am also working on a personal montage, which will be my first since my COD4 finale.

The PS3 team is officially back up and running, I went and got Black Ops and will be helping out with that side of things, it's important for me that we get some matches to prove were moving in a positive direction on that console. We were stagnant for so long I think people don't expect much, we aim to change all of that. After getting the chance to play with some of the new guys and even some of the old ones who decided to stick around, I must say we have some talent on that side of things. My worst fear was turning into Rx2 or SC on the PS3. I want MOH to be competitive and to win, not just exist.

So we wrap another season, begin a new chapter for MOH on the PS3 and as usual things look to be bright for the future of the clan...I'm sure to the dismay of the people who have been hoping, waiting, praying for the fall of the clan.

"MOH lives on" is not just a slogan, just like "We Die Hard" is not just a slogan, they are a mantra and the way we see ourselves and the way we play. We realize we are just a gaming clan, but we can find a medium where fun and winning intersect.

Thanks once again to everyone, I cant convey how proud I am of all of you guys, let's shoot for at least an equally successful Summer season and beyond!

{MOH} We Die Hard-

{MOH} Lives on after you team disbands....or turns into a "casual" team-

Thursday, June 23, 2011

General Updates

I figured it had been over a week since I last updated this so I'd better get to it!
Overall things are going great in the clan, pretty much as always. Quite a few members are actually on vacation at the moment but with such a large roster we always have people ready to step in and step up.

We are closing in on our goal of top 50 for Black ops on the Xbox 360, hopefully we can get there before the end of the season which is looming a week away. I've been glad to see the veteran guys step up, lead, get matches and attend practices. It really shows their dedication. I know everyone is busy and has a life, but it's good to know that they can still manage at least some time for the clan.

The first month of MOH promotions is coming to a close and it's been a real success. We've gained some new members and some of the older members has a bit more inspiration to make practices and matches and to overall be active and do good.

Even though it was late, I finally released the preview trailer of Nomadic Mercenary Games first Xbox Live Indie game: Rudiger. Of course NMG is Hellhammer and my development team. People with barracks access have all seen it and when it goes live later this year I'll be giving it away to a lot of MOH members, though it'll only be $1.50 anyway.

The positive feedback I've received for the game is well taken, I really appreciate it. The company site will be up soon and I have some paperwork to file to make sure everything is legit and legal, then I'll reveal the site and things like that. Currently while we finish up Rudiger, Hellhammer is working on his own RPG engine and game. While I am working on coding Rudiger for not only XBL but also Windows Phone 7.

As sort of a joke Hellhammer came up with a neat little game called Konor: The Cock Goblin! It's a take on the Pac Man games and is pretty fun. You play Konor and you gotta gobble the cocks!
You can feel free to download it here: -

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What a crazy couple of weeks

The title to this blog pretty much says it all, E3 was pretty cool. I got to cover it for a couple of different sites, which was something new to me. I had to pay a lot more attention then I normally would. We got to see some very interesting apps and hardware this year, I was quite impressed overall.

The Wii U looks to capture the core market that they missed with the Wii, I admit the Wii U is intriguing. It's always fun when the next generation of consoles releases. If the Wii U is under $400 I will buy it on day one, I always like to get the new consoles to test them out. I don't think the Wii U will be the most powerful machine, but I like Nintendo games a lot and it's fun to play Mario, Animal Crossing, Zelda and Metroid.

I've been so busy though that I haven't had time to get everything I wanted out, the indie game Hellhammer and I have been working on is still not ready, but I have the trailer almost finished up and ready to show. I wanted to unveil it during E3 week but covering E3 and doing all that writing and also doing reviews for my new site has kept me very, very busy.

Speaking of my new site, its officially up! I thank Hellhammer for the idea to call them Crappy Reviews, kind of a play on words much like the name crapgamer was originally intended to be. I set that site up and the Youtube page pretty much as a test, I hope to get better as I go along and find a nice niche. Some of the people I was trying to impress with it were indeed impressed, so hopefully I will be able to do some reviews for sites in the future. Fingers crossed people!

Now that school is out for everyone we can finally start to be really active on GB again. Getting 4 Black Ops matches last night was a great start to our summer of gaming. Your only going to see more and more from us on GB. So get ready!

I was a little bit saddened with the majority of the PS3 team calling it quits, honestly we had contemplated taking a vote to close it down altogether in the past, but I didn't want to come across as a jerk. So I contacted some old members and Onslaught has agreed to come back and help lead it. Also I will be taking an active role with the PS3 side starting when MW3 releases. I will see to it that the PS3 side see's glory once again. Rumor has it, Grave might get a PS3 to help a bit with this as well. It'll be tough stretching so thin, but in the end nothing is ever accomplished without a little hard work and dedication. The PS3 team has had a top 20 COD4 team and a top 50 WAW team, so there is a lot of expectations there.

As we come up on the actual 4 year MOH anniversary things look pretty good. I know my clan is usually the talk of the town, which suits me just fine. I actually like a little controversy. I always find it funny and a bit flattering when people are talking about it, there is no bad publicity in my opinion. Honestly the ones doing the talking are ones that have been bested in matches by yours truly. Sour grapes tend to be hard to let go sometimes.

My advice to people paying a little too close attention to my clan... find something better to do with your time. If you dedicated as much time with your own business as you do my clan you might make something of yourselves, instead you all just come across as bitter and angry and even pathetic.

I figured it wouldn't take long for a "old member" to contact me recently about coming back, the main problem I have with this scenario is that I get tired of people leaving for greener pastures and then when things don't work out because running a clan is a lot of work they try crawling back to me.

Not that I am against old members coming back entirely but there is a point when you say enough is enough. Honestly what did people expect? even if you hate me you'd have to see there is a reason my clan has lasted as long as it has and why it's been successful as well. Nothing seems to get us down. I bet that fact is frustrating for the haters.

Anyway, until next time I want to say thanks to everyone for helping out as much as they have. I am proud of everyone in the clan for their contributions and support in my own personal quests as well. Everyone has been great!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Duh, Winning!

I just want to say how proud I am of everyone in the clan and how they have all stepped up. We could not have picked better leaders or recruited better members then we currently have. Also I want to say how happy I am with the new way's we are incorporating old members into matches, practices and public rooms. This new attitude seems to have paid off in a big way, we were surrounded by the most talented players you could imagine and yet it was going to waste.

I truly feel that right now the people that are in the clan probably feel more a part of the clan then at any other time. More now then ever this clan is for everyone, it's not mine or any other leaders clan, it's your clan.

It was so funny to me last night because we are playing so very well right now and communicating and actually backing each other up like a team is supposed to and it shows. The chemistry is there and all the pieces to the puzzle as well. Nobody is complaining or rage quitting, people are making practices and helping each other out. It's a welcomed change in attitude for certain.

I've never before seen so many people excited in the clan, not even back on COD4 when we were mentioned in the GB newsletter for having the highest win streak.

They say you learn the most about your team and yourself in a loss, and I tend to agree. A close, close, CLOSE loss to TVA on our practice team actually built us up and gave us confidence. I think attitude is where it all starts, if you have that mental edge then there isn't anything you cant accomplish.

Most people probably wouldn't even recognize the lineup's we've been using. To top that all off we actually have people giving up spots in GB's so that other people can have a chance at being in them.

Well enough about all that, I want to also talk a bit about the new MOH promotions that are off to a rocking start, it's a bit of extra work on my part with all the stat tracking and everything but I think in the end it will pay off for the clan as a whole. Everyone seems more then excited about the new promotions and I am hoping it keeps people active with gaming as well as on the site and participating there.

Even though this has been one of the busiest weeks of my life with work, personal life, finishing my game review site, writing for gaming sites and actually working on my own game, people didn't complain or whine or cry about me not being around.

Leaders and members not needing their diapers changed....what a concept.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who played and practiced and won! We go for 15-0 tonight and it feels so damn sweet.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mostly news about myself

I usually write these things with some updates regarding the clan, but honestly I am being a bit selfish with it today. I have some interesting and fun news to share about some things I have coming up.

First thing I would like to share is actually pretty cool, around the time that E3 starts this year I will be posting the first teaser trailer to Hellhammer and my upcoming Xbox Live indie game. I hope people didn't forget because it's looking pretty boss right now.

We are hoping to launch this game by the end of the year and so far that is right on schedule. As I said it's not exactly clan news but it's fun and important news nonetheless. Hopefully some people are excited at least a little bit, I know I am.

The other thing I am excited about is the new direction I am taking with video game reviews. I always kind of did those off the cuff and hardly ever used actual gameplay because it was a pain in the ass to record in standard definition. Also my computer lacked the power to render videos quickly enough. Now that I have a high def capture device and my computer is upgraded I can do a much, much better job. Everything I want to cover will be generally scripted and I am hoping to get some sort of sponsorship out of it.

Keep your fingers crossed for me at any rate. Unlike most other Youtube based reviews I wont go out of my way to get subscribers, I want them to sub on my merit alone. Though I am thankful for the support I have gotten from the clan members who subscribed ahead of time.

I hope to have a constant stream of content, at least a couple done a week, I will be taking requests as well.

The last little bit of news is clan related, June 1st, 2011 starts our clan promotions, so we will be keeping tabs of everything everyone does. At the end of the month the person with the most points wins MS points card and some other goodies. So make sure to spread the word.

It's definitely an interesting time if your in the clan right now, hopefully some of these things pan out and can bring more members and goods to all of us, were coming up on the 4 year anniversary of the clan and we've got some nice surprises lined up.

Thanks for your time everyone!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

E3 2011

E3 is the biggest and most important event if you are a gamer or gaming fan. It's when we see new games, new consoles, new technology and new ideas. This is my first time covering it for a couple of different sites, at least the Microsoft aspect of E3 2011.

I think we all have some games we would like to see, each E3 brings us a chance to hope and dream of what we want most from the gaming industry. Sometimes we guess or hope right and sometimes not. Since I already expressed in two separate articles what I expect from Microsoft, I figure I can point out some other things I would like to see.

We all know Nintendo will unveil their new console that is currently code named "Project Cafe". I am sure we will get the official name and see some games played on it, I am more interested in the actual specs of the console, rumors suggest it uses Blu Ray or a completely new disk format. It's also said to lack a hard disk drive altogether and instead only offer 8 gigs of flash memory.

We wont know any of these things until E3 of course, which is what makes it so exciting in the first place. I personally feel that Nintendo is making a mistake releasing a console this early, I think in a couple of years when Microsoft and Sony release new consoles it will make Nintendo's Project Cafe as obsolete as the Wii is now.

I am interested to see how they integrate the touchscreen controllers in this new console and I am fairly interested to see the games and what it can do overall. If Nintendo is smart they will release the new console with a Mario, Zelda and Metroid game. Nintendo also needs to drastically review their online gaming strategy. I know they fear for the safety of kids, but that is a risk all the companies take, and if Nintendo truly wants to compete I believe they need a paid online service like Xbox Live.

So we all know we will see things like Gears Of War 3 and possibly the rumored Gears Of War Exile on Kinect. We also know it's all but been announced that we will see a Halo CE remake by Saber Interactive. I also highly suspect we might see something on Halo 4 which will be released next year. Some kind of play along the lines of "Where it all started and where it ends" or something along those lines.

I like to make some out of the box guesses and this is a solid list of some of those.
1.Star Wars Battlefront 3
2.Killer Instinct 3
3.Lost Odyssey 2
4.Grand Theft Auto 5
5.Jade Empire 2
6.God Of War 4
7.Kinect Sports 2
8.Dance Central 2
9.New Mario game for Project Cafe
10.New Smash Bro's game for Cafe
11.New Pikmen game for Cafe
12.Metal Gear Solid 5
13.Too Human 2
14.Fable 4
15.New Kingdom Hearts

I know now days people don't like to look foolish by guessing but I figure it cant really hurt much in the end.

Games are for entertainment and for fun, it's anticipation that makes E3 so much fun in the first place.

What are you excited to see?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Like What I See So Far

Whenever you rebuild something you tend to think it will take a while before you find the right fit. I was a little worried that I was replacing old trouble makers with possibly new ones, I am very glad that this is not the case.

While I still hold firm to the fact that MOH isn't for everyone, I am happy to see so many enjoying the new atmosphere and friendly comradery. It was hard at first to get older members to accept how things were going to be from now on, but I am proud to say everyone has really stepped up and produced both in matches and just as clan representatives.

Simple changes like having everyone in the clan add a new recruits Gamertag so they feel welcomed, also actually inviting these people to play with us is a huge step in the right direction. Now when we game, even if we have fourteen people on, we can easily split up into two or three groups and assign a team leader

Honestly I have been about as active as always, more active on certain day's but I certainly haven't changed up my schedule to accommodate anyone. I have continued to run the clan the same, steady way I always have. Nothing has changed. Really in all honesty it's proof of what a solid job the leaders (old and New) are doing. I am sure it irks some people that we continue on as if nothing happened, do our same schedules, practices, matches that we've done since the beginning. I take a (SSDD) type of attitude with it and it helps keep things in perspective.

People as a whole seem to have a better appreciation for each other and for the first time since COD4 and SWBF2 before that, clan members are actually proud of what they are doing and rededicating themselves to helping our wherever it's needed. It has freed me up to be able to do other things in life where needed, while I can still be confident that everything wont fall apart.

So in closing I like what I see thus far from the clan, glad we are expanding instead of standing still, it's always important to grow and move forward instead of linger and eventually die out. I've seen so many teams and clans come and go that it really makes me appreciate the stability of MOH. I think others are feeling that way too. I mean four years with a majority of the same people and the same leader is a milestone to be certain.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Method To Madness

I bet to some people I come across as cocky or even quite mad sometimes. I know it has to be frustrating for people that are constantly looking for a bad spot in the armor. To the outside it must have looked like my clan along with myself was headed into a downward spiral into mediocrity.

You forgot one thing though..... I'm motherfucking Crapgamer!

It's nothing new to me, I've been proving people wrong since I started {MOH}, but the bottom line is there is always a way to inspire those around you. So while it looked like we were stinking it up on a practice team, if you were in the know and on the inside you were excited by what was shaping up to be a great team.

Once the guys got a chemistry and once I got a good look at who could do what, I knew who to use where and what the strengths and weaknesses were for the teams. Nobody can ever say I failed to recognize talent or failed to utilize it. Even if you hate me or loathe me, you have to admit I've always managed to get the best out of my players.

The last few weeks have been filled with practices almost every day, new recruits, old members returns, solid loyal veterans all mixing into a magnificent group of Regulators. For the first time since Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Call Of Duty 4 gaming and practices are fun again, every actually get's along well, E.L.E. isn't just a buzz word it's a reality. There has been absolutely no rage, no pissed off members complaining. Everyone does there part, communicates and we are actually having fun!

It excites me to see the guys have faith and believe in what I am saying as well as believe in each other. I know it's not all me and I usually don't like to take credit, but I feel vindicated even though I felt like we as a clan and I as a clan leader had nothing left to prove. I mean four years of winning, fun and gaming speaks for itself.

I admit there was a bit of pressure this first game out, the fact that we drew a pretty good team, one ranked higher and one that sported some serious try hards and GB warriors didn't help my anxiety. Dropping the first map (Domination on Nuketown) did nothing to quell it either, I knew the second map, Demolition would be all us however, and it was. Not even close when it came right down to it. CTF on Array would be the deciding map. We shut them out.

Never before have I been around a happier bunch of people, they were celebrating and invited me to the Black Ops theater to watch the victory where we all agreed to give Tacoscrub the MVP. Though everybody played splendidly he was chosen for clutching in CTF.

Everyone played there part, even though I was not in the match, I gave a nice little speech to the guys before it and I hope it inspired them at least a little to remember to stay true to the MOH way. I am not in any way taking credit away from the guys who actually played, not now nor ever. They are the ones with the skill, I just try to find ways to make them mesh as a team and inspire.

Last night was the start if a rebirth for the Regulators, a step in the right direction. Are we perfect? I doubt it. Are we a good team? You better believe it! We believe in each other, we have fun and we now know we can overcome adversity.

When I say MOH 4 years strong it isn't something that has ever been broken, 4 straight, solid, winning, amazing years. Never has there been a break for us. We have had busy times certainly, but we have never stopped moving forward.

I know some teams or clans can put a Est. date by their names, but none can mean it more then us. {MOH} Est.2007

I want to thank everyone over the last few weeks for helping out, my leaders have all really stepped up. Hellhammer, Grave, Shotty, Striker, Saint, Hate. I appreciate everything you've done.

Not so bad for a noob team huh haters?


Friday, May 13, 2011

Unsung hero's

I like to sometimes go out of my way to thank people who have helped me out in the past. My clan has a lot of unsung hero's and while I may even miss a couple here, I figure this will at least be a start in my thanking them and a step in the right direction. I know I've never been one to thank or fully appreciate the people around me and it's a flaw that I am working on.

First off I'd like to say Hateinaboxx is the one person in the clan who isn't selfish in the least. He always works his butt off for everyone around him, he jokes around and doesn't ever complain. Here is a guy who's soul purpose on COD4 was to run around with an RPG so as to take out any enemy choppers. Did he ever once complain? No sir! In fact he has steadily gotten better on every COD game and only recently this year made it into his first GameBattle match, which we won.

Anyone looking for a perfect example in how to behave in MOH need look no farther then Hateinaboxx. I mean with a nickname like "The Storming Mormon" you know he has got to be a cool guy. When I think back to the times he had a chance to leave the clan and yet chose to stay and work on getting better, I cant help but to smile. Everyone loves Hate and I cant blame them, he is just a good guy and fun to be around.

Another unsung hero is Shotty, he is one of the loyalist people I have ever met. I am I think proudest of the fact that he is a home grown MOH product, not to take anything away from his talent, but I believe he at least on some level has learned some leadership from me as well as his amazing team player capabilities.

Shotty never complains, will always offer advice if you need it. I look to him to be a main advisor when it comes to the clan. Recently, before I kicked out some members I made sure I had his loyalty and once I had his and a handful of others I pulled the trigger on a controversial move. In the end I knew everything would work out fine.

Yet again Shotty came through when he actually gave up Runescape to help with the clan, he has been more active now then at any time since Star Wars Battlefront 2, selfless, honest and a true leader I feel shotty never gets the respect or attention he rightfully deserves.

Lastly for this edition of unsung hero's is Futstriker. He is another one of those people who often get's overlooked and I am not sure why. He has been a part of MOH since our playoff COD4 run years ago. While he might not have been in a ton of matches for us, he was instrumental nonetheless. I can remember him leading the secondary team against the starters for our practices. In fact a lot of MOH members did this and have gone unsung in my opinion.

People like to make fun of Striker because he is a team player, like myself, Hate and Shotty. Sometimes your overall Kill/Death ratio will suffer because of this, but you have to be able to see beyond that. It's the intangibles that people like Striker bring to the table that make him such a great asset to the clan.

I plan on making this a regular series, so people in the clan, never feel like your deeds go unnoticed. I might not always comment, but your appreciated!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Things have an interesting way of working out

Isn't it funny how things can work out sometimes? I am sure by now rumors of MOH's death have been greatly exaggerated and those types of rumors happen when you have to kick people out of the clan on a larger then normal scale.

These types of rumors also happen when you have as many haters as we tend to draw. People I am sure would line up to put flowers on our grave.

I was a little hesitant with installing new leaders after the trouble I had in the past, but the past couple of weeks has proven to me that I haven't lost the mission when it comes to my clan. While not every decision I make is perfect, I am glad to see the new leaders picked have really stepped up to the plate. They are eager to prove themselves and even though I was forced to miss a practice this past week, to my surprise there were almost fifteen people there. To top it off we get a GB and win that as well.

I am happy to see everyone make a few sacrifices and come together as a team, I make no qualms about the fact that I wont be as available for Black Ops in the near future as I was on other games, the new leaders instead of looking at this as a handicap look at it as an opportunity. Which is how it should be.

Even veteran leaders have stepped up and shown their grit, Grave, Hellhammer and Shotty are all active and Shotty even gave up Runescape to help with the clan.

Hopefully we continue to get a solid influx of new members, as a clan leader I feel like it isn't my job to babysit, but I do feel responsible if one of my members lacks a headset or XBL or something that I actually can help them out with. So hopefully in the future the clan comes to me if they have those types of issues and I will see what can be done to help out.

Admittedly I was feeling bored and stagnant with competitive gaming up until I kicked those four or five guys. Something about the excitement of a new team and new direction really has me jacked up. I think the excitement has spread and the others are picking up on it, so it's a really good time to be in the clan. I am back to having fun in public rooms and GB's. There has been ZERO rage at practice or public rooms and everyone seems to be really getting along well.

So I think the new arrangement is working out well for all parties involved. I get the help I want, no more rage or annoying people bickering back and forth and the ones I kicked get to have their independence and have the pressure all on them. Which is what they wanted. So I believe think this is a rare case where kicking out people actually helped the people I kicked as well as my own clan and cause.

Who could possibly complain about that?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Leaders

Out with the old and in with the new, such is life. Though it's always sad to see some old friends go, with it comes opportunity and the promise of something new and exciting.

I think some congratulations are in order for Striker who is the newest full MOH council member and even though he is leaving in September to join the Marines he wont be gone forever. Striker has been a loyal member for years and was even a part of our COD4 playoff run a couple of years ago. Never one to shy away from speaking his mind he brings an excellent voice and opinion to the council.

Some more congratulations are in order for Saint, he has been promoted to Junior Council. Saint is a long time member who has done a really good job recruiting and playing for us. We like to give him a hard time, but that just means he is one of the guys. Though he is away two weeks out of the month I am more then confident that he will put in twice the work while he is around.

Lastly is someone who has been deserving of a promotion for a long, long time. Hateinaboxx started out as our chopper boy on COD4, though we actually played Star Wars Battlefront 2 with him a bit as well. He is the consummate professional and never takes things we say too seriously.Hate is one of the most loyal members this clan has ever seen, refusing to leave even with numerous chances and opportunities to do so. Congratulations Hate on being promoted to Junior Council.

We will have a couple of Captain promotions to announce soon, we are currently in the midst of evaluation talent and peoples leadership abilities.

As for my personal opinion I only want positive people in leadership roles, you have to be able to take things seriously when the time comes, but you also need to be able to get along with people as well as joke. I don't like indecisive people in my clan. I want people excited to be in the clan as well as excited for the future of the clan.

Congratulations to those guys and I know you'll continue to make MOH successful.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gaming with Celebrities

A couple of months ago I was checking my Twitter feed and I notice Fred Durst, the front man for Limp Bizkit had tweeted that he was getting on Quake 4 and that if anyone has the game to pop it in and hop on Xbox Live.

Well I didn't have Quake 4 but my brother Hellhammer did, so I mentioned it to him and he put the game in and he and Fred Durst were the only two people on the whole game! They played a couple of rounds and talked a bit and he is pretty laid back. They talked about gaming in general and he talked about how he has like ten Xbox 360's, like one in every room of his house and even on his tour bus.

Well after I Hellhammer won a game on Quake 4 he added him to his friends list but asked that he not give out him Gamertag to anyone, as he said he has to change it like every week as it is already. I can say he runs with (LBGC) tags in his name. Of course this means "Limp Bizkit Gaming Clan".

So he asked if Hellhammer had Black Ops and of course he does, so they switched over to that. He invited some band members into the party and Hellhammer invited me as well. I believe it was his DJ, Guitarist and son in the party with myself and my brother.

All of the people he invited sported the (LBGC) tags actually in their names and their names all were similar with a common theme. Which was Star Wars actually. I can safely say that now because they have gone on to change it to a different theme.
We got to talking and he was telling me how he always is playing on Xbox live and usually plays with other celebrities like James Hetfield (Singer for Metallica)apparently they play Gears Of War a lot, same with Dave Mustaine of Megadeth and Brent Smith from Shinedown.

He actually added me to his friends list and said he would get me in a party with Hetfield, since I told him what a huge Metallica fan I Was. One thing I thought was particularly funny was unprovoked Fred Durst totally trashed the PS3. He said he didn't really like to play it because he couldn't appear offline and would get slammed with invites, nobody had a mic and the voice chat sounded like the McDonald's drive through guy. He also went on to say if you ever see a celebrity endorsing the PS3 that you can bet they were paid to do so, as he didn't know a single celebrity that actually liked the PS3. Now I'm sure there are some out there, just not the ones he chills with.

So we played some rounds of Black Ops and I'll say Fred Durst got game, we played Hard Core CTF and won every match. I did get TKed by him twice though....good times.

Anyway you could hear him talk to his son and tell him that he needed to take his medicine so he could feel better, so I assume his son was ill and they were playing Xbox together.

All in all it was super cool to play with famous people, they all were super nice and talked like regular people and joked around with my brother and I. We ended the night around 1:00 a.m. est. and he said he'd hit me up for some Quake 4 and Black Ops in the future as him and his band like to play Quake 4 and do 4v4 and they are usually a man short to do this.

Now when we were actually in a lobby on XBL they said nothing, they didn't talk till we got in the game.

Nice to see my habits aren't too different from famous peoples....

Well there's my story, thought I'd share as I was super excited to actually play and meet with some celebrities over XBL. It's odd, sometimes you never know who you are going to end up meeting over XBL.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

New MOH recruit benefits & performance bonuses!

Greetings! It's me. The one and only Crapgamer. Clan leader of the one and only MOH. Four years strong, you know how we roll, If your at a site with ad's on it and no dot com, you know your in the midst of imitators.

Anyway, I am here today to tell you about some promotions team MOH is about to start running. So if you know of us or have been in the clan in the past and would like to take advantage of what I am about to offer then feel free. We are always recruiting.

Part of being in a mature clan and having a clan leader like I am, who is an adult and stable is that I am able to offer some of these things. Honestly I don't know why I didn't think of these ideas before. This seems as good a time as any though, so here we go.

Okay, now let me ask you some questions, answer truthfully now.

1. Are you looking for a gaming clan and community? Perhaps one with staying power and stability unmatched in terms of quality and excellence?

2.Are you a person who is smarter then a monkey and can learn strategies and follow them without having to be constantly yelled at or having someone hold your hand?

3.Are you the type of gamer that is a team player, yet self sufficient enough that team leaders don't have to change your diapers and burp you afterwards?

4.Are the a type of person that likes to joke around and have a good time while gaming and still managing to stay competitive?

5.Are you looking for a clan where you have a chance very quickly to become a team Captain and get more responsibility?

6.Are you looking for a clan that can offer perks and bonuses for joining as well as rewards you for doing good?

If you answered YES to these questions then I know MOH is the perfect clan for you.

If you answered no, then your retarded, and I can think of the perfect clan for you......

It breaks down like this.
all new recruits get Netflix access for joining up.

I will be offering incentives to stay active and do good in the clan. If you like getting free Microsoft points every month as an incentive then this is important for you to hear as well.

Every month starts off a new contest. Based on a point system. an example of this would be for every 10 posts made on the site you get 1 point. For every practice you attend you get 2 points, every person you recruit you get 3 points, For every GB you are in you get 5 points, for winning MVP of the month you get 25 points, there are points for winning everything from Post Whore to Team Player each month, which garner large point totals. which can easily put you over the top.
At the end of each month the person who has the most points wins a $20 Microsoft points card. We are going to be doing this EVERY MONTH. This is available for new members as well as old members.

Also as an added bonus to people serious about being loyal and long term members here at the one and only MOH, the person who wins MVP the most in a year, gets either their choice of a new game for free or a free year of XBL servie.

Were planning lots of other promotions as well, from things like Turtle Beach Discounts to free Kontrol Freaks and one month as well as three month XBL memberships.

We will have the rundown on this and everything else on the MOH site soon. is the place to be.
As for the future for team MOH, were going to be hitting Call of duty black ops hard by the end of May, or early June. We have regular practices still, but with so many new members, and new strategies to learn and go over I think shooting for June is a good idea.

Also for you Gears fanatics, we are planning to play Gears Of War 3 when it launches in September. MOH has always been a clan great at multi tasking and were getting back to that. There is no reason we cant be on a couple of different games at a time, as long as it's done right.

MOH we regulate, the rest imitate. PEACE!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

So much easier on Battlefront

I must admit that things were so much easier when we started out on Star Wars Battlefront 2, I think it was mainly because there weren't a ton of other games that people were playing, everyone stayed focused on Battlefront and we excelled.

Also, back then I had so much more time to dedicate to gaming and the clan as a whole. Now it seems like everyone wants one thing or another and it leaves me very little time to do anything else. It's like I work and game and am not allowed any time for anything else, it can get very frustrating.

I am a clan leader true enough, but I am not the "Daddy" of the clan, where everything has to be cleared with me, I've done everything I can from promoting new leaders, making a secondary team on GameBattles, making everyone Captains on that team so they can get a match without me being around. I was so busy last week that I was literally falling asleep on the headset, but I still managed to make practice and tried very hard to be seen on the site and online whenever possible.

Why was it that on Battlefront a good majority of our members were younger then they are now, but they seemed to grasp what needed to be done a lot better? It's almost like I have to hold most people's hand to get anything done.

It definitely should not take me getting online for people to party up, yesterday was a prime example. I get online and see around seven or eight members on XBox Live, many on the same game and yet they weren't in a party together. Everyone was just running Solo.

We have leaders for a reason and I am getting very worn out trying to fit everything into what little free time I do have, it's making the clan more of a hassle then anything, I used to have fun with it, now it's almost like a chore and I very much want it to go back to being fun.

I think part of the problem could be there are an overabundance of solid games out and people's tastes in genre's and games themselves are varied. I know in particular the PS3 team tends to shut down for all purposes when they flock to a game that isn't Call Of Duty, to the point that it's like having no team at all.

I know for a fact I am busier then anyone else in the clan, but I still find time, I guess it's dedication or stupidity honestly. I don't want to see the clan die out, but at the same time I need to be able to do things in my real life.

I hate to sound like a broken record but if the people I appointed would actually be active and step up there would be no issue, when I was in Merc we had many leaders, myself included and we all had the same authority and respect, it didn't matter which one you come to, you would go to whichever leader was on. I'd love to see people who have a problem or issue go to someone who isn't me for a change.....

...So much easier on Battlefront, everyone so eager, we were pretty solid, knew what we wanted and went out and took it, now we seem a bit more confused then anything......

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Gears Of War 3 Beta Impressions

Well back when it was announced BulletStorm Epic edition owners would get first chance at the Gears 3 beta I decided I would spend the money on the game for that reason alone. Turns out BulletStorm was an amazing game all it's own and well worth the price, but now the real reason I bought the game has come around.

Everyone knows that when the current console generation started I was torn as to which console to purchase, I had a PS2 and a original XBox and I knew spending $1100 on both to start out with wouldn't work. So I was looking for that killer App so to speak. Sony lacked one and when I saw Gears Of War at E3 I knew I had to get a 360 and that game. I have never looked back and have never been disappointed.

Gears of War 2 I spent a lot of time playing online with, I didn't play it to start off with online though, I was drawn in by Gravedigger. I originally hated how slow paced it was and it seemed impossible to do well in the game. Grave suggested that I hide behind corners and chainsaw people. I know it's a total noob tactic, but I was actually having fun with it. People would send me messages and complain, I loved it!

Eventually I got used to using the shotgun and two piecing people and I never turned back. Since we got into the game so late after it's release we couldn't play it competitively because teams would be so much better then us and know all the in's and out's, but we still managed to have a lot of fun and we still play it from time to time, especially when they do 18Xp weekends.

Back to the Gears 3 beta, I went into it playing it like Gears 2 and I got SLAPPED! It wasn't until I changed my tactics and went on the offensive that I started doing pretty good.

1.The regular Lancer owns all, long range, short range and the chainsaw is pure bliss
2,The Retro Lancer is powerful, but has massive kickback, the bayonet is fun to use
3.The Shotgun is not as good as the one in Gears 2, but is still solid
4.The Saw Off Shotgun is a one hit kill, but you only get one shot and it's a bitch to reload
5.The Digger launcher is a new weapon that shoots grenades underground that come up and and explode. It is difficult to master but once you have it down it's a lot of fun and helpful
6.The incendiary grenades are also new and a lot of fun, they BURN YOU ALIVE!
7.The Torque Bow is back and works as well as ever
8.The Long shot is also back and works like a charm
9.Hammerburst is back as well, powerful but lacks the ammo clip of the other more effective weapons
10.There are gun camo's to unlock. Urban, Gears of War colored, Flame, Gold
11.The Mulcher is back and is still a beast, though heavy a load it is to carry
12.Mortar launcher is back as well, you'll know when it's been launched

*One thing I noticed in the Beta is that people don't really go running for the specials as much anymore. The main weapons work well enough that the power weapons aren't a game changer.

*Even the beta of Gears 3 offers more variety in characters, weapons, specials then any other Gears title to date.

*Even though the beta is using peer to peer with it, the actual Gears 3 game will have dedicated servers, so no more host advantage BS. Though I will say that the hit detection even on P2P is very good, I have no complaints about it.

*People will definitely complain about the Saw Off Shotgun, but in reality they shouldn't, it's a one hit kill but only works right on top of an enemy. It also takes a long time to reload and you only get four bullets, so if you miss you are screwed. If they make it weaker, nobody would use it, as two shot kills would be impossible with the short range of the weapon.

*The two maps that I've gotten to play are pretty beast, my favorite is Coles Thrash Ball field. It's a smaller map and is really well done. I consider it the "Shipment" map of Gears Of War. Things are fast and furious and that is what I love best about it.

*I've only gotten the chance to play the new Team Death Match mode, where as your team has a set of reinforcements and they get depleted you lose, this sets a much, much faster pace then any previous Gears game. In Gears 2 if you played Warzone or Execution it played a lot like a game on Search and Destroy for Call Of Duty games, you get one life per round and if you die you end up sitting for the last five minutes for your team to win or lose so you can play the next round. Now to me, this really takes any momentum out of your game, if you make one mistake you are screwed, which was my main complaint about Gears online, now with Gears 3 it looks like we finally get a chance to do multiple spawn games and it's so much better.

*The graphics, even though this is just a beta the character models look the best they have ever looked, usually online modes dumb down graphics but the Gears 3 graphics are some of the best I have ever seen. The textures and bump mapping and lighting are all flawless!
I absolutely cannot wait to get Gears 3 in September and play through the campaign, which is supposed to take a solid 12 hours to beat. Rare for a multiplayer title to have such a long and complete campaign.

*The beta which started April 18th if you bought BulletStorm Epic edition and ends May 15th offers ways to unlock items in the retail copy of the game, like Cole's Thrash Ball uniform, Flaming Retro Lancer, Flaming HammerBurst, Flaming Lancer ect... So it's a solid way to earn something through playing the beta. You can still get in the beta on the 25th of April by pre ordering Gears Of War 3 and putting $5 down on it.

*They allow you to earn medals and wear them very much like in the COD games, you might even be able to prestige, seeing as how you level up much, much faster in Gears 3 I am leaning towards this as a possibility. I played Gears 2 for almost two years and am only a level 60, while on the Gears 3 beta I am already a level 13 and see level 30's running around already as well.

*My final verdict* The Gears 3 beta is the best 3rd person shooter I've ever seen or played. I wont say it is 100% flawless because I believe no game is, but it's damn good and worth playing if your a Gears fan or a TPS fan.

Gears 3 is my most anticipated game coming out this year and the beta has only added to my impatience.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nice Change up in attitude

Recently I posted some blogs and various other things about how many people complain or spam me with invites when I'm on a game that isn't a online multiplayer gamer or shooter.

Now I'm happy to say that more people in the clan are starting to realize the joys of just "Gaming" with no built in limits on a certain type or genre or even online play involved. Personally I own hundreds of games and a fair amount are online, even more are offline and single player games however. I think Xbox Live Party chat has helped keep the clan together and enable all the members in the clan to branch out and play other types of games, even solo games and still feel part of the clan via the party chat option.

Many times I will be on a single player game but remain in a party chat with the other clan members and we all joke around and have a good time none the less, it's all in good fun. Now more and more people are realizing that it's okay to be on other games, there is more to a gaming clan and gaming community then forcing people to play the same game all the time.

Yesterday was a prime example of why things like XBL party chat has been instrumental in helping our clan stay in touch and together, we managed to get two Black Ops GameBattles and win both, but in the meantime we had people playing other games in the party chat, when the GB was over the team joined back in and we all carried on. It's a wonderful thing.

We can have some people on a MMO like Lotro or Runescape and be in the party chat, this even helps with co op campaign in some games, we were even able to do a leadership meeting on XBL and I thought it sounded and went better then any of the ones we did on Skype.

So I was pretty happy to see some of these changes in attitude and now people seem to know it's okay to buy a different game, even if the rest of the clan doesn't have it. You are still allowed to have fun, game and do what you want and play what your interested in without getting burdened or having a guilt trip laid upon you.

Game on my friends!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Misconceptions about clan gamers

Lately I've noticed that there are quite a few misconceptions about clan gamers, mostly it's by other clan members who feel like you should game on nothing but online FPS games, personally I consider myself a "Gamer" not any in particular, rather just a gamer. I like to game to have fun.
Yes I'm still very competitive and I like to win on Gambattles as much as anyone else, however instances like this past week where I was on Dragon Age 2 and people get upset or complain that I'm not on a game like Black Ops. I find it very hard to play the FPS games for extended periods lately, I've been gaming for over 20 years now, since before the internet as we know it anyway, so I've enjoyed platform, sports, RPG and Action Adventure games longer then most people in the clan have been alive, been online gaming for around ten years, since the Dreamcast.

So that being said, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I enjoy those types of games even to this day, I can enjoy a game like Dragon Age 2 on the Xbox 360, Kinect Sports with my Kinect and lately Lord Of The Rings Online, which surprisingly was a lot of fun and as a clan we've gotten into it a bit.

I will say that I've not been on Black Ops or those types of games very much lately and part of that is because they are "upgrading" my internet, well turns out to upgrade it, they downgrade it first to work on the lines and that type of thing.

I don't want to be the type of guy that appears offline to play through a game, I think people should respect whatever game/s the other clan members play, we still have our rules for playing in GB's for the "Hardcore" people, we can still get GB's whenever you guys want, just ask.

Bottom line is as a gamer, I play games, it's my hobby, my investment, I own hundreds and hundreds of games, so it shouldn't surprise people or upset them if I'm playing something else sometimes.

It's the same misconception of the gaming clan/gaming community we have, people think we should be on a FPS 24/7 and it's just not the case, we can be a supportive and active gaming clan/community and play other types of games together, it doesn't always have to be serious. It can be Black Ops, Gears 2, COD4, Left 4Dead, Runescape, Lord Of The Rings or even something like Star Wars Battlefront.

Not everyone is going to be happy 100% of the time, but it's impossible to keep so many people 100% happy and honestly....I don't try. If people have issues, then bring them up in the barracks. If your not happy in the clan, then it's okay to find another, nobody is forced to stay. I'd like to think a good bunch of you guys are good friends of mine and we have a pretty good time playing games together, but I understand some of the guys are more about competitive gaming and thats fine too, there is a median there somewhere.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reboots and other complaints.

So this is something that has been bothering me for a while now, it seems everyday we hear about some franchise (either game or Movie) that is getting the "Reboot" treatment. This is a highly disturbing trend in my honest opinion. There are a few good examples, like the new Batman movies, I really liked the Micheal Keaton Batman movies from the late 1980's and early 1990's. Then they went into disarray with George Clooney as Batman and once Tim Burton dropped from directing I knew Batman was indeed in trouble. Flash forward to 2005 and we get a new Batman, this one turns out to be great, Batman Begins was perfectly cast, acted, directed, written.

I really enjoyed how they made Batman less fake, he used equipment that is actually around and it was very feasible and realistic. Enough time had passed to make these new movies successful. For every success there is utter failure however.

Now I really enjoyed the last three Spiderman movies, I thought they were really well done, we the fans were all set to get a Spiderman 4 movie sometime this year or next year, however when the Directer and cast and crew didn't want to shoot the movie in 3-D because they were unfamiliar with the technology and felt it was too much of a gimmick, we get a Reboot taking Peter Parker back to high school, which is someplace we've been with him less then eight years ago.

Another Rebooted series is X-men, the reason for this reboot is simple, the original cast was too expensive to get for a new film. Now days when people or film makers smell money they lock up the cast for a multi picture deal, so most of the original X-Men cast were signed on for three movies, now they reboot it with lesses known actors and save money. It's a mistake in my opinion and I pity the people that actually want to see such a travesty.

Games get rebooted now it seems too, Tomb Raider is getting a new look, where she pretty much looks like a guy with short hair, Tomb Raider has come out with some of the best games in recent memory, so why the reboot? I guess the creators just felt she needed an update, this pretty much coincides with the reboot Tomb Raider movie I've been hearing about, not sure why Angelina Jolie couldn't still play the character, she isn't old and is still attractive enough to play the part. It's just one of those things.

The Punisher reboot is another horrid debacle that I suffered through, I actually really enjoyed the Punisher movie from 2005 with Tom Jane, it was filmed locally and I thought it was well done without being over the top, they they reboot it, with a crummy actor who didn't even have a line for thirty five minutes into the movie, the enemies were all over the top, much like the late 1990's Batman films, too colorful for what it's supposed to be.

Switching notes here, I want to say I'm kind of pissed off that some of our great American Super Hero's are now being played by Non Americans, the new Superman for example is played by a British actor, Henry Cavil. The new Spiderman isn't American, even the Green Hornet is played by a Canadian. It's slightly upsetting.

The main reason we get reboots is because Hollywood and film/game makers have run out of original ideas, they bank on the name selling tickets or games, no matter what slop they throw in front of us. I for one will not get suckered into this type of trash. I hope at least some of you feel the same way.

Monday, January 31, 2011

{MOH} is three and a half years old...whoa.

I was looking back and I noticed that {MOH} is officially three and a half years old. This is a lifetime for a gaming clan and or community. It's not like the clan has ever been on life support or struggling either, we've pretty much always been active and together. I know of some clans that have "Technically" been together longer, but those clans either aren't competitive or have totally different leaders and members by now.

I think of the most unique and interesting things about this clan is we pretty much have all the same leaders, minus a few. We have been able to keep a large team and keep everyone relatively happy. It's so difficult to cater to all the different personalities in a gaming clan, it really is in large part thanks to all the great leaders and the members themselves in the clan.

One of the things that I think is really helping us is the fact that we are generally an older clan, most are 18 years of ago or older, the younger ones are pretty mature and that is a must in my opinion. Also, even though we have older players, I know and the other leaders know that it's always a smart idea to recruit the next great wave and generation of players. In the beginning it was always me and Snipes and the other long term guys that had to always play in every match, now I hardly play in anything serious, while the newer guys help take the clan to victories.

Proper recruiting is an important part, for every one single, loyal recruit we get, we have to go through probably five or six recruits. I am always up front and honest with people. {MOH} might not be the right clan for you, if people are looking strictly to rank up on Gamebattles or be a leader in the clan right away then this definitely isn't the right clan for you. We have people who have been here for years and aren't yet leaders.

When you think back to the sheer amount of games we've been active on and on the different consoles it's mind blowing.

Playstation 2
1.Star Wars Battlefront 2
2.Battlefield 2 Modern Combat

Playstation 3
4.COD B.O.
5.Killzone 2
6.Resistance 2

And I'm proud to announce we'll be fielding a team on Killzone 3 and possibly Resistance 3.

XBox 360
1.COD4-Achieved Playoffs in 2009
3.COD MW2-Beat five top fifty teams in our first season
4.COD B.O.-Already beat two top fifty teams
5.Halo 3
6.Gears Of War
7.Left 4 Dead-Finished in the top 50 our first and only season

That's a lot of games on a lot of consoles, the best part is, combined we have a winning percentage of around 700% on all these games, I think this makes us the most successful clan ever to star from Star Wars Battlefront 2. Were consistent and we've done everything from go to the Playoffs to being sponsored by people and gaming sites. We've managed to do all of this without really busting balls to try hard. We don't practice everyday, we don't no life the games, we are just a group of people who are used to playing together and have solid chemistry and natural talent and it really shows. Were never really out of any match, we give people more then they can handle and that's important to me. Going the distance against great teams is such a confidence booster. I can still remember on Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox 360 we played Team Fear and Barely lost to them 2-1. Same with ATR, we lost 2-1 and actually had the lead on the final map with less then one minute to go.

The things I look back on and remember the most are the early Star Wars Battlefront 2 wins and of course our epic COD4 playoff run where we won all those matches in a row. Really though I am thankful and happy about the cool people in the clan, really a lot of those people have grown and matured and it's been a joy to see.

Maybe we weren't always the most well liked clan or the most respected, but we didn't take shit from anyone and I don't regret a single thing about any of it. Looking back to when I left Merc all those years and I was so unsure if I could even run a clan and now I realize how successful we've been I still cant believe it.

I think the moment I realized we made it big was when people, mostly haters started trying to find flaws in what we were doing, jealousy and envy are two poor characteristics and we've had our fair share of haters. I think the thing that pisses off these types of people the most is the fact that we can poke fun at ourselves and laugh along with you, were not uptight or afraid to laugh. If someone makes something funny or does something to us that I find entertaining, I'll most likely post it up on our site.

You cant keep us down, no matter what happens, We'll endure.